Catastrophic injuries
We understand that catastrophic injuries can be hugely traumatic and a life-changing event for you and your loved ones. Those suffering may never fully recover and they may suffer long-term medical problems, meaning their life will never be the same again.
That is why we here at HNK Solicitors ensure you get the best quality rehabilitation and treatment and work tirelessly to offer round the clock care and support to help you adapt and look to the future.
What is a catastrophic injury?
Catastrophic injuries are serious life-changing injury that can leave a person with a permanent disability, long-term medical problems or a reduced life expectancy. Examples of a catastrophic injury include:
Severe head and brain injuries
Spinal Cord injuries
Severe burns
Multiple fractures
Organ damage
Loss of sight or hearing
Fatal accident
Our team of expert lawyers can help to secure compensation to help with rehabilitation, care, treatment and any loss of earnings. We put client care at the forefront of our cases to ensure you are not left out of pocket, so you and your family can focus on recovery. We even offer a no-win-no-fee service for Catastrophic Injury claims.
You will get a dedicated case handler who will get to know you and your family, talk you through the process, supporting you every step of the way. They will work on your behalf to help secure the compensation you deserve.
How do I claim?
Step 1
Get in touch using our contact forms or any details provided throughout the site.
Step 2
We will arrange a free consultation with you to discuss your claim.
Step 3
If you have a valid claim, we will accept your case on a No Win No Fee basis.
Step 4
HNK Client Settles for over £7,000 in False Imprisonment and Assault Case Against Leicestershire Police
Making a catastrophic injury claim
If you or a family member has suffered serious harm as a result of a catastrophic injury through no fault of your own, you have the right to seek compensation for your injuries.
Contact HNK today for a free no-obligation discussion about your case. Our specialist catastrophic injury solicitors will ensure you receive the best possible immediate treatment and care, whilst offering expert advice and support every step of the way.
How we can help
We have a dedicated team of catastrophic injury solicitors with years of experience and expertise in handling catastrophic injury claims and supporting those who have suffered.
HNK tailor our services to each case, ensuring each person gets the specialist support and advice they need. Our main aim is ensuring you and your family are taken care of and securing the compensation you deserve in order to do this.
Free Consultation
We offer free no-obligation discussions about your case and offer help and advice on how best to proceed.
HNK can offer a no-win-no-fee service for your catastrophic injury claim. This means it costs you nothing upfront to start your claim and you will only pay if your claim is successful.
Client Communication
We can assess your financial needs, rehabilitation, and future requirements so you can have access to the best medical care for your specific needs and receive interim payments to meet your immediate needs.
Compensation can help towards paying for medical treatment, any rehabilitation needed or adaptions needed to your home or care if you are left disabled, and cover the cost of any financial losses such as loss of earnings from not being able to work. This compensation will help relieve the financial stress that catastrophic injuries often have on an individual and their families.
When we take on a catastrophic injury claim we take into consideration the pain and suffering you have been through, the effect on your quality of life and mobility, your financial needs, rehabilitation, and future requirements to ensure you get the right amount of compensation you need to make your life easier and more manageable. We also help ensure you get the best possible medical treatment and rehabilitation to get your life back on track following your injury.
The amount you will receive for a catastrophic injury will vary from case to case, depending on the extent of the injury and its effect on your life. Claiming compensation for a serious injury like this is a complex process. We have a team of expert lawyers who have years of experience in dealing with catastrophic injury claims and a track record of success.
The final settlement from a catastrophic injury will often be a substantial amount, compared to the average personal injury compensation due to the long-term impact it has on the victim. Many can also be awarded interim payments which help to support the victim in their recovery. The compensation that is awarded will reflect the impact of the injury, the pain and suffering endured, any initial costs and potential future costs as well.
If you were involved in an accident that left you seriously injured, and it wasn’t your fault, then you could be entitled to some form of compensation.
These cases can be complex, but our specialist lawyers have the understanding and expertise to assess your case and advise you on making a claim. Contact us for a free no-obligation discussion about your injury and we can let you know if you have a case to proceed with.
Interim payments are often given to those who suffer a serious injury to help reduce the financial burdens they are facing as a result of their accident. These payments allow a victim to receive part of their compensation before a final judgement is reached to help pay for things like medical treatment, rehabilitation or cover the costs of their loss of income for having to take time off work.
Our team will work hard to secure interim payments for you throughout the claim process to ensure you and your family are cared for and receive the support you need to recover.
Let us know what you’re looking for and we will get back to you as soon as we can