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Can I make a serious injury claim?

The prospect of suffering a serious injury is something most of us would prefer not to consider. Unfortunately, however, it is not something we can simply choose to ignore. None of us can be certain that we or our loved ones will not have to confront this tragic possibility at some point in our lives. And given the long-lasting and severe impact a serious injury can have, it’s important to know what steps you can take to help your recovery – including seeking compensation.

If you or a loved one has suffered a significant, life-changing injury through no fault of your own, you may be able to pursue a serious injury claim. A serious injury claim can help you secure compensation that will make it easier for you to recover from the incident and move on with your life. And given the major impact a serious injury can have, it’s important not to overlook this important source of support.

In this post, we’ll look at how serious injury claims work and help you understand whether you may be able to make a claim. We’ll also explore how much compensation you may receive from a serious injury claim, and how you can get started with the claims process.

What is a serious injury claim?

A serious injury claim, sometimes known as a catastrophic injury claim, is a legal process for seeking compensation for those who have suffered a serious, life-changing injury through no fault of their own. For instance, you may have been injured in a road traffic accident in which you were not to blame, or you may have been injured through an accident at work due to improper safety measures.

In cases such as this, a serious injury claim will help you secure compensation to offset the impact of the incident. Compensation can be massively beneficial to your ongoing recovery and the difficult work of rebuilding your life. It can help to offset the financial costs of any treatment, make up for a loss of earnings, and serve as an acknowledgement of the pain you’ve suffered.

Of course, you may be wondering whether your particular circumstances would qualify you to make a serious injury claim. With that in mind, let’

What counts as a serious injury?

What counts as a serious injury can be quite difficult to define, and unfortunately there is no simple rule you can apply. However, generally speaking a serious injury is one that will have a significant and long-lasting impact on your life. It may result in you being unable to work, or you may need ongoing medical treatment.

Some examples of serious injuries include:

  • Major brain injuries
  • Amputations
  • Loss of hearing or sight
  • Significant burns
  • Paralysis
  • Organ damage

In each of these cases, the injury will have a profound and serious impact on your life. And that’s why it’s so important to seek compensation if you have experienced one or more of these injuries through no fault of your own.

Is there a time limit for making a serious injury claim?

If you are considering making a serious injury claim, be aware that you will usually have three years from the date of the accident to begin the claims process. This may seem like a significant time pressure, as during those initial years you may still be doing your utmost to recover from the injury and feel unable to devote the time and energy to making a claim.

That’s why you should contact an experienced serious injury claims solicitor, who will be able to take much of the burden off your hands and make the process much simpler – read on below to find out more.

However, you should also be aware that there are some exceptions to this three year limit. If you were injured under the age of 18, you have three years from the date of your 18th birthday to make your claim. As we’ll explain below, there are also exceptions if you are making a claim on behalf of someone else.

Doctors rushing a patients into surgery

Can I make a serious injury claim on someone else’s behalf?

A serious injury may render someone unable to make a serious injury claim themselves. For instance, they may have suffered a brain injury that means they cannot undertake the legal process of making a serious injury claim.

Alternatively, they may have a pre-existing condition, such as dementia or Alzhiemer’s disease, which makes them unable to do so. In this case, you may be able to make a claim on their behalf.

Additionally, you may be able to make a seek compensation if a loved one – your spouse or child, for example – has suffered a fatal accident. While this money cannot undo the suffering that such an accident will have caused, it can help you deal with the aftermath.

How much compensation can I get from a serious injury claim?

The amount of compensation you could receive as a result of a serious injury claim can vary significantly. It will depend on various factors, including:

  • The severity of your injury – The key defining factor is how severe your injury is. This is determined by various factors, including the level of pain you experience as a result, how significantly it has impacted your life, and how long-lasting the effects will be.
  • Any medical costs you have incurred – If medical treatment for the injury has resulted in costs to you – for instance, the costs of travelling to hospital appointments – this can be factored in to the compensation you receive from your serious injury claim.
  • Loss of earnings – If your injury left you unable to work for a period – or perhaps rendered you permanently unable to continue in your existing career – this will likely result in a higher compensation award in order to offset this loss.
  • Home Adaptation Costs – due to your injuries, you may need your home adapting to support your physical restrictions. This could include a downstairs toilet, stair lift, walking aids around the house or even a home move to a more suitable accommodation, such as a bungalow.

It’s also important to recognise that any compensation awarded as a result of your injury will be tailored to your personal circumstances. There is no one-size-fits-all approach, and the specific amount of compensation you receive will take into account your unique situation.

If you’d like to understand more about what may determine the amount of compensation you receive from your serious injury claim, read our blog “Why might someone receive more compensation for the same personal injury claim?”

A patient on a gurney getting lifted into an ambulance by 3 paramedics

Choosing the right solicitor for your serious injury claim

In order to make a serious injury claim, you’ll need to speak with a solicitor. They will be able to identify if you may be entitled to compensation and help you step-by-step through the whole process.

Ideally, you should look for a solicitor who has specific experience in dealing with serious injury claims. They’ll be able to offer you:

  • Legal expertise. An experienced serious injury solicitor can offer you in-depth and up-to-date knowledge of relevant legal statutes. As a result, they can give you clearer, more effective and more valuable advice regarding your claim.
  • Maximised compensation. As a result of their experience, a specialist serious injury claims solicitor will be able to ensure you seek the full amount of compensation you are entitled to. They will be able to clearly identify the damages you are owed and present your case in the most compelling way.
  • Straightforward process. A serious injury claim can require extensive documentation to support it. You may need to provide medical records, witness statements and more. Needless to say, this can be an overwhelming prospect in the aftermath of a serious injury, but with an experienced solicitor supporting your claim, they can take care of the complexities of the process while you focus on your health.
  • Tailored support. A serious injury claims specialist will have a clear understanding of how a serious injury affects your life. They will be able to provide a sensitive and thoughtful service that recognises the challenges you face.

As you can see, there are significant benefits from looking for a solicitor with specialist experience in pursuing serious injury claims. And that’s precisely what we provide here at HNK Solicitors.

HNK Solicitors can support your serious injury claim

A serious injury is a devastating experience. It will be a significant challenge to rebuild your life and adapt to your new circumstances. In this context, pursuing a serious injury claim may seem like a major burden. But with the support of a serious injury claims solicitor, you can seek the compensation you deserve with minimal stress. And this compensation can help you to take those difficult steps toward recovery.

Here at HNK Solicitors, we’ve helped many clients secure compensation following a serious injury. Our team of expert solicitors can offer a deep understanding of the relevant laws as well as a sensitive approach to the issues involved. We also offer free consultations to help those who have suffered a serious injury to understand whether they may be entitled to compensation. If we believe you are owed compensation, we can offer to support your serious injury claim on a no-win, no-fee basis. If you don’t receive compensation, you won’t owe us a penny.

If you or a loved one has been seriously injured through no fault of your own, get in touch today to arrange your free consultation. Call us on 0151 668 0809, or email us at

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