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What are catastrophic injury claims?

Catastrophic injuries can have a profound and long-lasting impact on your life. Alongside the many physical consequences, they can also lead to life-changing mental and emotional issues, as well as financial challenges.

Thankfully, those who have to face the devastating impact of a catastrophic injury do not have to manage without support. If you were injured through no fault of your own, you may be able to pursue a catastrophic injury claim. A catastrophic injury claim can help you to secure compensation for the injury you’ve suffered. And while this can never undo the damage you have sustained, it can help you to move on and begin rebuilding your life.

Of course, the prospect of pursuing a catastrophic injury claim may seem overwhelming. In the aftermath of your accident, you may feel that it’s too complex or time-consuming to face. However, that doesn’t have to be the case. With the support of the right solicitor, your catastrophic injury claim can be a straightforward process.

Read on below to learn more about catastrophic injury claims and to find out how HNK Solicitors can help.

A patient on a gurney getting lifted into an ambulance by 3 paramedics

What are catastrophic injury claims?

Catastrophic injury claims, sometimes known as serious injury claims, are a way for people who have suffered life-changing injuries as the result of an accident to seek compensation. This compensation is intended to both offset financial costs you may have suffered – medical expenses, for instance – and to recognise the pain you have endured.

You should consider pursuing a catastrophic injury claim if you have suffered a life-changing injury through no fault of your own. You can also claim on behalf of someone else – a friend or family member, for instance – if they are not able to act on their own behalf.

What counts as a catastrophic injury?

The specific definition of “catastrophic injury” is not entirely clear-cut. If you’re unsure whether your injury counts, it may be worth consulting an experience solicitor with a full understanding of the relevant laws.

Nevertheless, in general terms we can say that an injury would be considered catastrophic if it is:

  • Long-lasting. The impact of your injury will likely be permanent and irreversible.
  • The injury will most likely result in life-changing consequences that affect your ability to undertake your normal activities.
  • Leads to significant pain. Your injury may cause substantial and ongoing physical pain that impedes your daily life.
  • Impacts your earning ability. You may no longer be able to work or you may be forced to change careers.

If your injury fits one or more of those descriptions, it could well be classed as catastrophic. Some specific examples would include:

  • Paralysis
  • Severe head injuries
  • Amputations
  • Loss of hearing or sight
  • Multiple fractures
  • Severe burns

If you have suffered from any of these devastating injuries through no fault of your own, you may well be entitled to compensation.

A person using crutches at home

How much compensation could I be owed?

The amount of compensation you are entitled to will depend on a range of factors. These include:

  • The severity of your injury. The more significant your injury and the greater the impact on your life, the more compensation you are likely to receive.
  • Medical costs. If you have incurred medical costs are a result of your injury, this may be factored into the amount of compensation you are awarded.
  • Loss of earnings. If your injury has prevented you from continuing to work, this can be factored into your compensation. Your future earning potential can also be factored into this.

As we’ve discussed previously, the amount of compensation you are entitled to following an injury is far from fixed. The same injury can lead to differing amounts of compensation depending on how it has affected the specific individual.

How do I make a catastrophic injury claim?

In order to make a catastrophic injury claim, you’ll need to seek the support of an experience solicitor. They will be able to:

  • Assess your claim. In the first instance, an experienced solicitor can help you decide if you may be entitled to compensation. They can discuss the incident with you and help to identify who might be liable and whether there is a valid claim to be made.
  • Navigate the legal complexities. A solicitor have an in-depth understanding of all the relevant laws and regulations that will determine whether your claim is successful. As a result, they can build your case in the most effective way and ensure you get the full amount of compensation you are entitled to.
  • Collect the necessary information. Catastrophic injury claims often require extensive supporting information, from medical records to witness statements and police reports. This can be challenging for anyone, and in the aftermath of such a devastating event, it’s likely not something you would want to tackle yourself.
  • Give you peace of mind. Ultimately, a catastrophic injury is a life-changing event that will require a great deal of time and effort to come to terms with. Knowing that an experienced solicitor is helping to secure you the compensation you deserve can take a huge weight off your mind.

With the support of a solicitor, you will have the best chance of success with your catastrophic injury claim. And if your solicitor of choice offers a no-win, no-fee option, you won’t need to worry about the financial side of things – you’ll only pay if you do receive compensation.

Speeding ambulance
Ambulance car moving at night

HNK Solicitors can support your catastrophic injury claims

A catastrophic injury is not something you can simply move on from. It will profoundly change your life and take a long time to adapt to. That’s why it’s so important to consider seeking compensation if you were injured through no fault of your own. But it’s also vital to seek the support of a solicitor who understands both the difficulties of your situation and the legal complexities of your case.

Here at HNK Solicitors, we have helped many clients to secure life-changing compensation following a catastrophic injury. Our team of catastrophic injury claims experts understand the challenges involved and will work with you in a supportive and friendly way, with one goal in mind – getting you the compensation you deserve.

Our team of dedicated and highly experienced solicitors offer free consultations to help you understand if you may be entitled to compensation, and if we do think you have a claim we can offer to take it up on a no-win, no-fee basis. To find out more, call us on 0151 668 0809, or email us at

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